Saturday, February 6, 2016

Valentine's Day Planning

Oh I love a holiday, any holiday, and the more corny - the better.  This is our little bunny's first Valentine's Day and who better to spend a day of love with than the two I love most!  R and I don't usually go "all out" on V-Day and we choose to celebrate at home instead of out on the town. I bought a cute new top (big deal since I really haven't bought many clothes postpartum) to wear for my hot date and of course we had to purchase a few goodies for our tiniest Valentine.

1.  Green Toys tea set.  I think our girl will love having a "tea party" with mommy.
2. What tea party could be complete without adorable tea bags and "cookies".  I ordered this set in pink.
3. Who does love a holiday themed book?
4. Real cookies for our tea party.
5. Mommy and Mini matching Willow Crown headbands.  This is our first set but it won't be our last.
6. Dreaming Tree Chardonnay, one of my easiest go to options.
7. Antipasti, our favorite date night meal is a big spread of options. image
8. Don't we all want to get chocolate from our Valentine?

I can't wait until next weekend!  Ava Rose has a holiday party at school and we made little Valentines for her classmates.  R and I have a full weekend of fun planned for us as a family and a little couple time as well.

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