Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Baby Favorites - Part 2 Bath

As promised I'm trying to continue with my favorite baby products months 4-10, truthfully though, we haven't changed our bath items much at all since she was born - unless you count that short time where she took sink baths.  Ava Rose loves the bath!  It's quality daddy time and she gets some playtime in the water before getting scrubbed down, our first favorite is a pretty standard item but it gets a lot of use.

We purchased the Primo Baby Bath Tub and we love it, this was the one tub that could take us from 0-24 months fit nicely into our bathtub.  It gives infant support and grows with the baby, when baby is sitting you just face them in the opposite direction and they have more room for playing.

Our baby has eczema so we switched all her bath products to help her skin to retain moisture, this thick lotion does the trick on her skin.

Aquaphor is the bees knees for taking care of baby skin...we use it on her bottom every night and above her top lip to help with irritated skin caused by constantly wiping her nose.  When she went through her baby acne phase after she was first born, I liked to use it to help reduce the redness in her face.  I keep a smaller size in my purse and the jar at our diaper changing area.

Our favorite body wash...doesn't dry out her skin.  We also use it to wash her hair.

We have so many bath toys - a couple of rubber duckies, bath books, and squirters but her very favorite is her Boon Water Bugs set.

And I can't forget about those new teef, we have the Baby Buddy first toothbrush and it's been great. She loves to chew it and the little nubs massage her itchy gums.

This is probably the easiest of the series, because she is pretty low maintenance at this stage.

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