Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blog Update

So I went a few days without applying self tanner, mainly because I was so busy all week and wanted to go to sleep as soon as I got home. There was a striking resemblance to zombies you see in the movies, yeah. Not only was I white as a sheet but I also wore my same dark rimmed eyes and pale mouth. Yesterday I went through my normal exfoliation and self tanner application and VOILA! I'm back to my normal self. Lesson well learned. I took that Tanwise for granted, a mistake I hope I will not make again. I should have taken a photo of my uber pale self but I'm afraid the flash would have been blinding, so you'll have to take my word on it. In other news - I am trying a new name for my blog. I wasn't totally in love with the old one (even though my friends thought it was SO me). I'm not sure, I might switch it back. I wish before I started a blog I at least put some thought into the name of it. I'm still trying to think of new ones. Unfortunately I may be without a computer by the middle of this week. My new one might not get here until the last week of the month. I'll be able to read blogs via my iTouch and I will do a post as soon as my new laptop gets here.

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