Thursday, September 24, 2015

Grandparents Day 2015

This month we celebrated our first ever Grandparent's Day and it was a success!  Grandma, Grammy, and Pappy met us for church and a yummy Mexican lunch.  Ava Rose was pumped to have an entourage!  And of course she doled out snuggles like it was her job.

I love doing little art projects with her and we enjoyed making cards for each grandparent that contained a sweet photo of her.  She was such a wiggle worm and her attention span is zilch, it was an absolute miracle that I was able to get her to sit still enough to do this.
 My little Picasso!
This is the picture we decided to include in their cards, I tried not to share it hoping to keep it a secret until Grandparents Day but of course the photographer thought it was cute enough to feature on her social media so it wasn't a complete surprise.  I was flattered that she chose it though.
 And I snapped a shot of her giving her card to Grandma before church.  

And just as an aside, my baby girl is no fair weather fan, she will support her pirates through the good weeks and the bad ones.  Aarrgghhh!

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